Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day: How you can save the world..

Temiloluwa Bamgbose
Every April 22 is known as the Earth Day throughout the world. It is a day set aside since 1970 to support environmental protection. The commemoration is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network and celebrated in more than 193 countries each year.
This year, the Earth Day coincides with the signing of the Paris Agreement − an agreement within the framework of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change dealing with greenhouse gases emissions mitigation, adaptation and finance starting in the year 2020 – by 167 nations in New York.
To support the commemoration in your own way, here are some of the things you can do…  
  1. Dispose waste properly
This tops the least for the most obvious reason, properly disposed waste do not constitute nucance to any one, rather it either replenishes the lost resources or gets recycled and reused. Recycling may be one of the easiest and most well-known things you can do for the environment. Just think about how many cans and plastic bottles you throw out every day. What if you had recycled them? Recycling ultimately helps to reduce what is wasted and lowers environmental impact.
  1. Conserve water
Water needs to be conserved as lot of energy is required to pump water from rivers or lakes into your home. Conserving water reduces the amount of energy that is needed to filter it. You can contribute your own quota to conserving water by: taking shorter showers, fixing leaking pipes, keeping the running tap close while you brush your teeth and using water saving appliances. You should also consider showering with someone, to save water. The advantage may be more than saving water sometimes.
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  1. Buy local
Consider the amount of pollution created to get your food from the farm to your table. Whenever possible, buy from local farmers or farmers’ markets, supporting your local economy and reducing the amount of greenhouse gas created when products are flown or trucked in.
  1. Choose matches over lighters
Most lighters are made out of plastic and filled with butane fuel, both petroleum products. Since most lighters are considered “disposable,” over 1.5 billion end up in landfills each year. When you eventually go for matches, pick cardboard over wood. Wood matches come from trees, whereas most cardboard matches are made from recycled paper.
  1. Give it away
Before you throw something away, think about if someone else might needs it. If nobody needs it around you, you can be sure someone needs it eslswhere, so you can donate to a charitable organization around you.
  1. Change your light bulbs
If every household replaced one regular lightbulb with one of those new energy saving fluorescent bulbs, the pollution reduction would be equivalent to removing one million cars from the road, says the book “green guide”.
Taking this further, ensure you switch off all your electrical appliances – computers, television, radios and light bulbs – when you are not using them.
Image credit:
  1. Use rechargeable batteries
Each year 15 billion batteries produced and sold and most of them are disposable alkaline batteries. Only a fraction of those are recycled. Buy a charger and a few sets of rechargeable batteries. Although it requires an upfront investment, it is one that should pay off in no time.
File photo: Dead phone batteries sold as tokunbo
  1. Plant a tree
It’s good for the air, the land, can shade your house and save on cooling if it is well positioned, and they can also improve the value of your property. It would be a nice idea if you can make every member of your family understands the need for trees then the family can make it a yearly exercise to plant a tree every year for each member.
  1. Practise car-pooling, to cut emission or ride a bike
Car-pooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. By having more people using one vehicle, carpooling reduces each person’s travel costs such as fuel costs, tolls, and the stress of driving. It is a very environmentally friendly and sustainable way to travel as sharing journeys reduces carbon emissions, traffic congestion on the roads, and the need for parking spaces.
Riding a bike wherever our destination is can also greatly reduce your environmental impact. If you would still rather ride in luxury than care about the environment, think about the other benefits of bike riding. Plus, the exercise is great for your body.
  1. Buy second-hand, it doesn’t mean you are poor
Yes, I know many people associate second-hand goods with poverty, but that isn’t true. Second-hand doesn’t mean second best. Consider buying items from a second-hand store. Toys, bicycles, roller blades, and other age and size-specific items are quickly outgrown. Second hand stores often sell these items in excellent condition since they are used for such a short period of time. You can sell them when you are done with them too, or you may just give them out. Giving is also saving the world.

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